LP album
Number of tracks: 8
Total time: 60 min.
Date of release: 26th of April, 2011
Genre: Atmospheric Dark Light
Styles: Instrumental post-rock, space, ambient, psychedelic, electronica, Berlin school, gothic
Music composed and performed by Tim "Stab Venom", layout and photography by Tim "Stab Venom", portrait on the back of the booklet by Szilvia Vágó. Cover and view
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This conceptual album is entitled after an enchanting place that keeps my heart for years. Breathtaking and mysterious, concealed and cosmic, with a minor note of anxiety, yet tranquil in it's ardour. After succession of some very special experiences among it's taciturn mountains, I felt necessity to express the atmosphere and different tints of Sithonia through refringence of music.
I would like to thank those, who directly made this album to come true:
My Princess Szilvia for sharing the whole life and music with me.
My parents for encouraging and understanding.
My ultimate technical guru Demon P.
Tw1st_me and All_4_one from Between Sky and Ocean dock who have got me acquainted with post-rock, as well as Farhard and Studio308 who introduced me Berlin School of Electronica and the whole NoName for wide musical education.
Ozric Tentacles for showing galaxies beyond horizons. Bernard Reeb. Baikonour. My Sleeping Karma. God is an Astronaut. Type O Negative. Lake Of Tears. Sithonia and the Sea.
You are free to download Sithonia and to keep it playing back. In case you like it, you are welcome to get a dedicated CD from me in the colour-printed outlet. Do not forget, that all the profit will be donated to Gerald Durrell's Conservation Trust.
1. Seaborn Sky
13:30 (Download: Song | Album)
Chapter I The Sky
Chapter II The Birth
Chapter III The Sea
The sea seems to stand opposite to the sky throughout sunny day, sharing in common only the colour they borrow each other. This illusion breaks after every sunset yet, as the seam vanishes in the silver pearl of horizon, so the sky and the sea unite, preparing for the nightly wonder of stars being born in the depth of the sea and raptured to the depth of the firmament.
Exploration of subsurface ambient offshore of Sithonia. Huge volumes of pressing water, tarnishing blue sunlight, fading sense of space. Under an undulating surface a calm indifferent depth lies.
Composed and dedicated in memory of Peter Steel (1962–2010), the frontman of Type O Negative. The sense of loss, dying day subsides in green before ending in darkness.
"The Sun has gone. Night birds are awake and call the twilight. With the dusk descending I disappear. I'm gone away to nowhere, I'm gone... until the dawn, until the dawn" are the only lyrics throughout the album.
I used to gaze at the starlit sky while sitting somewhere outside, away from disturbing lights and noises. Crickets sing around me, while stars silently fall and grains of satellites glide upon their orbit. I scent bitter-sweet smell of wild herbs surrounding me, so the space has thrilling and exiting smell of field flowers, just like some generous rough wine.
The voice of Yuri Levitan from 1961 announces the first manned spaceflight at the end of composition. This piece of music has been released as YouTube video on the 12th of April, on the 50th anniversary of Gagarin's Vostok-1 launch.
Dark clouds gather and bear on thickened mountains, clatter above the tops of murmured pines with the heave of aerial rocks. Swelter keeps low in maquis, soaks into the ground where the overcast pins it with crooked forks of glare. The smell of divine alchemy will be flushed by rustling rain threads that tie vigorous yet doomed by now thunderheads to the ground. They will scatter, the haze will disperse, leaving the timid sun behind light lace of cirrus to wipe the suffused land with cold fresh wind.
We have misrouted during our trip, so the dusk caught us still high in the mountains. Fascinating heather of twilight with vermeil free designs above the west horizon revealed us distant heaps of sparks of the ashore villages right under our feet. Then the light has gone and the celestial sphere flourished with myriad of tiny undisturbed diamonds, the arm of Galaxy embraced the Earth from side to side. A little later a crescent moon ascended. It made still silk out of obscure water and turned pale yellow coals of villages into it's own broken jewel pieces.
On a windy fair day it's hard to look at the sky so lively it is. With the sun bending down, the encrusted petrean shores of islands that used to be hidden in low looming suddenly highlighted all along the skyline. From the ridge of Sithonia we have seen the whole division of the Northern Sporades archipelago spread at the South-West, island Lemnos showed it's contour at the East, the Pangaion mountain emerged northward from behind Athos peninsula. Even mantled in clouds Olympus unsheathed it's pedestal at the very West, beyond the Turtle island and Kassandra drown in the golden fire of decline.
Departure is imminent, closing with every day spent, with every hour passing by. Though there is always a hope for a comeback, it's sad to leave. Last satin of dark silent evening water, last contemplation upon the Cliff at the time of sunset, last taste of sea salt, last draught of breeze and final glance through the verdure conifers to where the blue sky meets the deep blue sea. Good bye. See you again. Make a wish.