"Beyond the Evening Spell" single hides beneath a complete instrumental story of calling the Twilight to raise from the depth of Waters, to enchant the Earth, to fill the air with a sweet smell of field flowers. Yet, in phylosophycal meaning it is not safe to change order of things, so suddenly you may find an Abyss of torn time opening right beside.

Firstly this composition was planned to be a part of the Inner Sea repertoir, when it was arranged back in 2005. Now it has got 2½ times longer, has four parts instead of two, and being accomplished with an ambient postarmageddonal mix of Abyss and an animated interactive CD-ROM is available as single to the forecoming album.
This Single is respectfully dedicated to
Tom "Murphy" Kondor from
Opus Altera, who is an example for me in musical skills and in strenght of Spirit.
Animated interactive CD-ROM (to be used with Internet Explorer) features:
Exclusive Screensavers and Desktop Wallpapers
(both available at 800x600, 1024x768, 1280x800 and 1280x1024 screen resolutions),
MP3 of the first version of "Beyond the Evening Spell"
(recorded back in 2005),
Ringtones for mobile phone
(MIDI and MP3),
Compilation of amazing "beyond the scene" facts,
Detailed Conception
Extended page of Dedication
...And more.
See here a pair of screenshots.
You are free to download Beyond the Evening Spell and to keep it playing back. In case you like it, you are welcome to get a dedicated CD from me in the colour-printed outlet. Do not forget, that all the profit will be donated to Gerald Durrell's Conservation Trust.